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LB: Chesster's Hill / Sticky: The rules
Last post by Confictor - Sep 20, 2024, 02:35 PM
Find the latest version of the rules here.
You have to be logged in to the forum to download the rules.
You can create an account using the sign up button up left.
Recensies en feedback / Re: test
Last post by gast_X - Apr 17, 2023, 04:57 PM
Wat een leuk topic.
Recensies en feedback / test
Last post by Confictor - Apr 17, 2023, 04:52 PM
dit is een testtopic.
Recensies en feedback / Recenties and feedback
Last post by Confictor - Apr 17, 2023, 04:51 PM
Hier vindt u enkele vragen die u zou kunnen overwegen in uw feedback post.

Vermeld in de titel de naam van het spel en het versienummer dat u hebt gespeeld.

Hoeveel spelers waren er?
Hoe lang duurde het en voelde dit als een goede tijdsduur voor dit spel?
Waren de regels duidelijk of was er discussie over?
Hoe lang duurde de speluitleg en was dit de juiste tijdsduur voor dit type spel?
Hoe was het algemene gevoel aan het einde van het spel? Vonden de meeste mensen het leuk?
Was er een winnende strategie die (waarschijnlijk) herhaalbaar is?
Hoe verliep het spel? Waren er bijvoorbeeld saaie momenten?
Voelde het gebalanceerd aan?
Had iedereen het gevoel dat ze tot het einde toe een kans hadden om te winnen?
Was er genoeg interactie tussen de spelers?
Was de wachttijd tussen beurten te lang?
Ontbrak er iets aan het spel?
About LudiBasis / Where to buy
Last post by Confictor - Mar 15, 2023, 03:17 PM
I'm working on streamlining my production. A purchase link will follow.
Reviews and Feedback / A few questions to get your fe...
Last post by Confictor - Mar 02, 2023, 11:07 PM
Here you find some questions that you could consider in your feedback post.

Mention in the title the game name and the version number you played.

How many players where there?
How long did it last? And did this feel like a good amount of time for this game?
Where the rules clear or was there debate about them?
How long did game explanation take and was this the right amount of time for this type of game?
What was the general feeling at the end. Did most like it?
Was there a winning strategy that (probably) is repeatable?
What was the flow of the game? Where there, for example, boring parts?
Did it feel balanced?
Did everyone feel they had a change to win until the end?
Was there enough interaction between players?
Was the down time between turns too long?
Was there anything missing?
General Forum Information / Requests
Last post by Confictor - Feb 28, 2023, 10:08 PM
If you have a suggestion to make this forum better you can leave that in this topic.
General Forum Information / Forum mail
Last post by Confictor - Feb 28, 2023, 06:02 PM
Activate mail
If you want to receive mail from the forum you have to activate this setting.
Go to your avatar on the top left and click on "notifications"
In the "General Settings: section you can see:
Receive forum newsletters, announcements and important notifications by email.
Mark that checkbox if you want to receive mails from the forum. It also has to be checked if you want to receive messages inside the forum.
If you scroll further down you can check what mails and messages you want to receive.
When your done press the save button on the bottom  of the page.

I have created a group called "LudiBasis Updates". I will only sent emails containing information and updates to LudiBasis to members of this group. This could includes information about new versions of rules.
To join this group you can click  your icon in the top left of the site. In the following menu you see an item near the bottom called "my groups". If you click this you see a page with the current groups. In the section available groups is a group called "LudiBasis Updates". That has a button called "request membership".
General Forum Information / About rules versions
Last post by Confictor - Feb 22, 2023, 02:05 PM
The rules of games will get a version number. This gives you a way to identify weather you are using the latest version.
The first number:
If it starts with a round number I consider the game playable and good enough. If it starts with a zero it it still in the trying out phase. It will get to the next number if there are considerable rule changes. This might also be because the current version has changed a lot from version 1.0.0
The second number:
If this number changes that means that there has been a rules change from the previous version
The third number:
If this number changes there have been some grammatical changes or updated explanations in the rules. This number does have to correspond between Dutch and English for the latest version. So rules-v1.0.6(English) could be the same as rules-v1.0.11(Dutch).
General Forum Information / request LudiBasis Owner status
Last post by Confictor - Feb 18, 2023, 05:06 PM
If you have bought the game LudiBasis and want to show that here on the forum, you can request to join the owners group.

To do this you can click  your icon in the top left of the site. In the following menu you see an item near the bottom called "my groups". If you click this you see a page with the current groups. In the section available groups is a group called "LudiBasis Owners". That has a button called "request membership".

This button takes you to a page where you can give some information. If you give the reference number that is on the "Thank you" card that comes with the game, you will be added to the group. This could take some time, because I'm not always online.